Danzare tra la folla

Work created for @spazioportici_percorsicreativi 2021/ 2022, intervention curated by @simoneceschin @giallongomarta @elenacaverzan. 

The exhibition project aims to study the different aspects that characterise the urban art movement in Italy today. For the realisation of the project, six different artists were identified, with the aim of exploring different areas of investigation such as: the historicity of the movement, the contemporary and the socio-cultural aspect, with a particular focus on the female role within urban art. The group makes use of the expertise of both artists already established in the urban art scene and two young promises. The heterogeneity that characterises the group, such as generational, gender, stylistic and geographical aspects, allows the curatorial project a well-rounded understanding, also creating a link with the more didactic scope of the Spazio Portici project.
The curators of the project.

2022        Photo credits: Spazio Portici team